Attention to the use of fishing gear: must be carefully checked before the fishing gear is used; it must be checked regularly during the fishing process; it is best to let the fish protect the bottom from the bottom, and the crab will not climb up; the dead fish or the heavy fish should not be protected, and the dead fish must be removed immediately. Otherwise, the dead fish is most likely to attract the crab; after the fishing gear is used to protect the fish, care must be paid to the maintenance; after air-drying, it must be put into the bag, so that it is not possible to make a tiger, and replace it with a strong and strong use of the aging phenomenon for many years. After all, fish protection is the most important guarantee you've got. The bubble of the carp is large and dense, continuous, like the water-like bubble in the pan, the number is more, about several tens, the larger the area of the bubble, the more the individual of the fish is. There are only one or two of the bubbles in the crucian, the larger the individual in the bubble, the greater the individual of the crucian.
The air bubble of the grass carp is a single large bubble or a plurality of intermittent air bubbles, and when the air bubbles are not in the wind, the bubbles float on the water surface forming group, and the larger the bubbles are, the more the individual of the grass carp is. The air bubbles of the green fish are small and dense, different in size, and the green fish in the litters will rise to the surface of the water constantly. In general, it is the advanced nest of the small fish, followed by the big fish to enter the nest. When the big fish are in the nest, the small fish are usually to be avoided, especially the big teeth, and the small fish will jump out of the water and run away. The most obvious characteristic of the big fish entering the nest is that the original fish-biting hook is suddenly stopped, and then, so long as it is determined that the viscosity and the hardness of the bait are not a problem, it is not possible to be busy to see the bait on the hook, so as to prevent the big fish from being frightened away.
According to judge the species of big fish, adopt the corresponding countermeasures, take the initiative to attack, seize the opportunity, do a good target, will have a good harvest! Observe the water grass movement big fish, especially grass carp, herring fish into the nest, because of its foraging reason, water grass (reed, fu grass) is swayed by it, according to the amplitude and strength of the shaking, can judge the size of the fish.